- A Better English Setter Rescue
Based in NJ, with members throughout the US: English Setters
- American Brittany Rescue
Nationwide: Brittanys
- American Bullmastiff Association Rescue Service
USA: Bullmastiffs
- American Fox Terrier Rescue
National: Wire Fox Terriers, Smooth Fox Terriers (standard)
- American Miniature Schnauzer Rescue
Nationwide: Miniature Schnauzers
- American Pointer Rescue, Inc.
Nationwide and Canada: English Pointers
- Animal Friends – VA
Woodbridge VA: Dogs
- Carbon County Animal Rescue & Rehab & Surgical Center’s Inc.
Pa: Dogs , Cats, Horses, Sheep, Cows, Spay& Neuter Pigs
- Cavalier Rescue USA
Nationwide: Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
- City Dogs Rescue + City Kitties
Washington, D.C.: Dogs and cats (all breeds) – all foster homes, no shelter facility
- Cocker Spaniel Adoption Center
Northern Maryland, Central Pennsylvania, surrounding states: Cocker Spaniels and Cocker Spaniel mixes
- Eskie Rescuers United
Based in Maryland, with volunteers throughout the Eastern United States: American Eskimo Dogs
- Fancy Feline Rescue of the South, Inc.
Powder Springs, GA: Cats – purebred and high mixes
- Fluffs & Scruffs, A Dog Rescue, Inc.
Palm Springs CA: Fluffies & Scruffies under 20 pounds from High Kill SOCAL Shelters
- Friends of Rescued Mastiffs, Inc.
United States: English Mastiffs
- Full Moon Farm Wolfdog Sanctuary
Western North Carolina: Wolfdogs
- Fureverhomes Doberman Rescue, Inc.
Bath, Pennsylvania: Doberman Pinschers
- GetALong Dachshund Rescue
National Rescue: Dachshunds
- Havanese Rescue Inc
USA: Havanese Dogs
- Healing Hearts Animal Rescue Group
Serving Northern Virginia, MD, DC Metro area: Dogs
- Homeward Bound Schnauzer Rescue
Mid–Atlantic Region: Schnauzer
- It Takes A Village Animal Rescue
Middletown, DE: Dogs
- Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation
Nationwide: Italian Greyhounds
- Labs4Rescue, Inc.
Killingworth, CT: Labrador Retrievers
- Little Paws Dachshund Rescue
East Coast: Dachshunds
- Lizzy’s Lodge Rescue
Silver Spring, MD: Dogs, some cats
- Looking Glass Animal Rescue
Ridgefield, CT: Dogs & Cats
- Lucky Dog Animal Rescue
DC, MD, VA: Dogs and cats all breeds
- Mid Atlantic Scottish Terrier Education & Rescue, Inc.
Mid Atlantic States: Scottish Terriers, Terrier Mixes, any dog with nowhere else to go
- Mid-Atlantic Chinese Shar-Pei Rescue Operation, Inc
MD, VA, DC: Chinese Shar-Pei
- Mid-Atlantic Great Dane Rescue League, Inc
MD, DE, WASH DC, VA, WV, PA, NY: Great Danes and Great Dane Mixes
- Mid-Atlantic Jack Rescue
Mid-Atlantic region: Jack Russell Terriers and JRT mixes
- Missing Animal Response Network
All of North America: We help families find lost pets and train online “pet detectives” and search dogs to find lost pets.
- New Jersey Schnauzer Rescue Network
Northeastern/Mid-Atlantic US: Miniature Schnauzers
- No Borders Bulldog Rescue
Based in Dallas, TX: Bulldogs (American, English, French, Olde English)
- Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc.
Nationwide: Maltese
- Only Maine Coons Rescue
New Jersey: Cats
- Operation Paws for Homes
Alexandria, VA: Dogs
- Our English Setter Rescue
Nationwide: English Setters
- Papillon Haven Rescue
Nationwide: Papillons
- Pawsitively Pom Rescue
Harrisburg, PA: Pomeranians
- Pointer Rescue, Org
North America: English Pointer Dogs
- Rabbit Wranglers
Based in Pittsburgh, PA: Rabbits
- Rocky Mountain Siamese Rescue
Greeley, Colorado: Siamese cats and other Oriental breeds
- Ruff Dog Rescue North East
North East (PA-NY-NJ-DE-MD-NH-CT-VT): Dogs
- S’Wheat Rescues & Adoptions, Inc.
Nationwide: Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers, Wheatables
- SchipperkeRescue.net, Inc
Semi-National: Schipperkes
- Schnauzer Rescue of the Mid-Atlantic
Mid-Atlantic Region: Miniature Schnauzers
- Sochi Dogs
Morristown, NJ: Dogs
- STOLA – Saluki Tree of Life Alliance
Based in California; operates throughout the continental U.S.: Saluki hounds
- Virginia Paws for Pits
Virginia: Pit Bulls, Dogs
- Whimsy’s Menagerie & Chinchilla Rescue
Virginia and surrounding states: Chinchillas